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About Mrs. Fisher

Who is Mrs. Fisher!?  Same teacher, new name!  April 7, 2018 Ms. Hodge became Mrs. Fisher!!

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A little about the teacher...

Hello there! I'm a Sculptor turned Art Teacher, with the goal of inspiring and educating today's youth. After graduating Magna Cum Laude at Cleveland State University in Art Ed & attending Post Baccalaureate Glass Studies at the Cleveland Institute of Art on scholarship, I was able to jump head first into my passion of teaching.  This is my 5th year as the K-5 Visual Arts Instructor at Keystone Elementary School in Lagrange, Ohio, teaching just under 700 kids a week and I cannot begin to tell you how much I love them all and how much fun we have!!  

 Throughout the year I will continue updating our website so that you can see the amazing pieces our Wildcats will be creating.  Each lesson corresponds to State and National Art Standards; some I've written and some I've adapted from others or utilized from the Art Teacher networking site Deep Space Sparkle! I LOVE getting feedback on projects so let me know your thoughts or suggestions if you have a media or project you'd love your Wildcat to be exposed to. Enjoy!


Facts About Mrs. Fisher:

-I have two Wildcats of my own, Naomi (Junior) & Hannah (8th), and a mini Wildcat that was born at the end of last school year, Baby Jet!!

-My husband is pretty awesome (He drives a Super Modified Race Car & is a CNC machinist for Contour Tool!)

-We have a dog named Señor Papí & two cats; Ariel & Sir Jonathan

-I'm originally from Many, Louisiana but have lived in a handful of places

-I LOVE camping, kayaking, hiking, biking, Zumba, Piyo, Yoga, Zip-lining, Traveling & more

-Favorite Food: Thai!!!!

-Favorite Book: The Hero & The Crown by: Robin McKinley (since I was a kid!)

-Favorite Color: Changes often but usually a mustard yellow or brown shade.


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.

Pablo Picasso


How we Roll

About our Studio


We have a BEAUTIFUL room that we work together to ensure runs smoothly.  Our Wildcats know it takes a team effort to get the most out of each Art Class with how seldom we see each other.  Our tables have numbered seats 1-5 and each week the job rotation for each number changes.  Depending on the chart your Artist may be a Distributor (Passer Outer), Collector, Sink Monitor/Noise Monitor, Floor Crew Member or Sponger/Turbo Dryer (cleaning the table).  




Class Dojo is used in two different ways within our studio!

In Kindergarten through 2nd Grades we earn 1 pt per class that we try not to lose before the class is over.  When a student gets 4 points they get to choose out of the Prize Bin! Points can only be earned if the child is present in class that day.

In 3rd through 5th Grades we work as a team.  Every 15 points equals a reward with the possibility of earning 5 points per class.  Points are earned for:

1 pt. Coming in Quietly, ready to listen

1 pt. Working more than Talking

1 pt. Following the Class Contract (typical rules like hand raising, staying in their seats)

1 pt. Cleaning up the 1st time asked

1 pt. Lining up quietly

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